Savage Mountain Farm

Savage Mountain Farm

Savage Mountain Farm

469 Albright Rd, Meyersdale, PA 15552

Savage Mountain Farm is a small; diversified; certified naturally grown farm in the northern Appalachian mountains of Somerset County; Pennsylvania. We raise produce; livestock; livestock feed; and mushrooms on 150 acres. We steward the land and animals in our care using natural methods. Our produce and mushrooms are raised without the use of synthetic; inorganic fertilizers; herbicides; or pesticides. We allow our animals to express their true nature in the outdoors and provide them access to high-quality; minimally-processed feed including forage; garden veggies; whey; and homegrown grains and hay. Our vegetables; fruits; mushrooms; eggs; chicken; turkey; pork; beef; lamb; rabbit; and honey are available through a consumer cooperative. Members of the farm co-op are invited out weekly to put together a share of the foods they love best.

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